Friday, November 19, 2010

Exit Task

"Think Ahead..."

Where will you go from here?

Choose one key idea from today's workshop and develop a plan to implement sometime in the next month or so. Describe which ideas you plan on developing and how you will utilize the technology knowledge that you gained today to benefit your students. Leave a comment with a description of your "action plan."


Unknown said...

Hope to practice more with screen recording or recording in Keynote to review topics or teach topics to students so they can access the videos at home.

Unknown said...

It is my hope that within the next couple weeks to do a screen capture movie and post it on the internet for students to use as an instruction tool.

Katie Morrow said...

Thanks, Katie! All the info about using movies and photos was so helpful. I want to think about how I can use some of this for putting files on SOCS.
By Joan

Katie Morrow said...

I am excited to use this with students who struggle with paper and pencil tasks.

by susan w